Gondwana Ecology Group

Expert Witness
Gondwana's director and principal ecologist, Dr Justin Watson, has 15 years experience in providing expert evidence in the Planning and Environment Court, Land Court and the Land Tribunal. Clients include Local and State Government, Environmental Organisations and Project Managers.
Areas of expertise include:
Terrestrial Ecology (fauna, flora, biodiversity, waterways)
Threatened Species
Ecological Restoration
Ecological Assessments, Specialist Advice and Peer Review
Dr Watson has both produced and contributed to numerous ecological and environmental reports, management plans and EIS/EIA’s in Australia and Internationally. Expert ecological advice and solutions are regularly provided to clients on challenging and sensitive ecological matters. Clients include state and local governments, developers, mining companies, energy and infrastructure providers, community and conservation groups, indigenous communities and land trusts.
Terrestrial Fauna & Flora Surveys
Ecological Impact Assessments
Comprehensive Habitat & Biodiversity Assessments
Threatened Species Target Surveys
State, Federal & Local Environmental Legislation/Approvals
Independent Review & Specialist Advice
Training, Education & Equipment Hire
EPBC Act Assessments & Referrals
Indigenous Protected Area Biodiversity Assessments
Protected Flora Surveys
Environment Management Plans and Monitoring Programs
Dr Watson has been involved in preparing practical management and monitoring plans for more than two decades. This is done in accordance with recognised best practice environmental principles and statutory requirements. Local authorities, mining companies, energy providers and developers regularly engage our staff to prepare specialist management plans for sensitive projects.
Managing & Monitoring Plans include:
Threatened Species
Indigenous Protected Area
Biodiversity Offset
Protected Flora
Rehabilitation and Restoration Management
Gondwana offers a comprehensive rehabilitation service, specialising in practical design and monitoring programs for mines, quarries, development sites and conservation areas. Dr Watson has spent many years researching ecosystem restoration and landscape dynamics and has been involved in numerous mine closure and rehabilitation exercises across Australia and internationally.
Rehabilitation Management Plans
Ecological Restoration & Specifications
Mine Rehabilitation & Closure Planning
Vegetation Management Plans